Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework Training  

Time to read: 1 min | 24 November, 2023 | Will Ellis

Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework Training: Key Lessons Learned


Earlier this week I participated in a 2 day Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework training course. It provided a deep dive into some of the essential aspects of cloud architecture. The training emphasised the importance of the framework's five pillars and offered practical insights into their application in real-world scenarios.

Lessons Learned

Understanding the Five Pillars

  • Cost Optimisation: Learning to balance cost with efficiency and effectiveness, using Azure's tools to minimise expenses while maximising output.
  • Operational Excellence: Emphasis on streamlining operations for greater agility and reliability in cloud services.
  • Performance Efficiency: Gaining knowledge on how to design and deploy scalable solutions that can adapt to changing demands.
  • Reliability: Understanding the importance of creating dependable and resilient cloud environments that can withstand various challenges.
  • Security: A comprehensive look at incorporating rigorous security measures to protect data and applications in the cloud.

Practical Insights

  • Security as a Priority: Emphasising the critical role of security in every aspect of cloud computing.
  • Cost Management Techniques: Mastery of tools like Azure Cost Management and Billing to track, analyse, and optimise cloud spending.
  • Case Study Analysis: Examining diverse scenarios and business models to understand the application of the Well-Architected Framework in various settings.

Continuous Learning

  • Whilst it covered quite a lot of familiar ground for me, the training highlighted the importance of staying updated with the evolving cloud environment, emphasising continuous learning as key to effective cloud architecture.


The Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework training was an insightful course and a holistic view of cloud architecture. These lessons are crucial for anyone looking to enhance their expertise in cloud solutions, particularly within the Azure ecosystem.